We've put together this page to give recommendations for how to connect to our service, depending on where you are connecting from or how you are connecting to the Internet.
Many customers will be able to use all services and options that we provide, however if you are connecting from a censored country you may find that specific configuration is required. For example, if you are connecting from somewhere like UAE, or via a mobile internet connection, this page is for you!
Providing you are using a regular Cable / DSL connection, that is not from a censored country listed below, you should be able to use either the VPN or SmartStream DNS.
Typically if you are looking to unblock supported streaming sites SmartStream DNS would be the best option, if you need to access other websites not on the SmartStream supported list or you require additional security/encryption that the VPN is the best option.
You should use the VPN service, SmartStream will not typically work on most mobile/3G/4G connections or may not work consistently.
You should use the VPN service, SmartStream will not work on most hotel/public wifi connections.
Providing you are using a regular Cable / DSL connection, that is not from a censored country listed below, you should be able to use either the VPN or SmartStream DNS.
Typically if you are looking to unblock supported streaming sites SmartStream DNS would be the best option, if you need to access other websites not on the SmartStream supported list or you require additional security/encryption that the VPN is the best option.
You should use the VPN service:
SmartStream DNS will not work.
You should use the VPN service:
SmartStream DNS will not work.
N.B. Customers connecting from Northern Cyprus can generally use all options, including SmartStream DNS.
For security you should use the VPN service:
For streaming SmartStream DNS can be used in most situations when connecting from home, providing the sites are on the SmartStream supported list.
For security you should use the VPN service:
For streaming SmartStream DNS can be used in most situations when connecting from home and when the country you are in is not explicitly listed above, providing the sites are on the SmartStream supported list.